
Frost code is comprised of a sequence of statements. Statements are executed one at a time, in order, except where control flow statements specifically repeat or skip statements. The following statement types are supported:


<l-value> <assignmentOperator> <value>

An l-value is a value which can be assigned to. L-values include variables, fields, and index operator expressions such as array[0]. The assignmentOperator specifies the kind of assignment to be performed, either simple assignment (:=) or one of the compound assignment operators (+=, +&=, -=, -&=, =, &=, /=, //=, //&=, %=, <<=, <<&=, >>=, >>>=, &=, |=, ~=, &&=, ||=, or~~=). Simple assignment makes <l-value> equal to <r-value>, whereas the compound assignment operators make <l-value> equal to <l-value> <operator> <r-value>. Unlike in C and related languages, assignment is not an expression and the assignment operators do not produce a value.

When the right side of the assignment is a tuple, you may assign to multiple values at once by 'destructuring' it in a multiple assignment. For instance, if we have a function that returns a tuple:

function origin():(Int, Int) { return 0, 0 }

we can pull the tuple apart during assignment by assigning it to a corresponding tuple of destinations:

def (x, y) := origin()

This gives both x and y the value 0. See destructuring tuples for more about multiple assignment.

Method Calls


A method call statement invokes a method. If the context <object> is omitted, the method will be resolved against self or the current class. The return values of methods called as statements are ignored.

Functions may not be called as statements: the only reason to call a method as a statement is for the side effects it may have, and functions do not have side effects.

A method call <object> may be the keyword super. This is equivalent to self, except that the superclass' implementation of the method is used. For example,

function convert():String {
    return "<Derived:\{super.convert()}>"


if <condition> {

if <condition> {
else {

The if statement makes a decision based on the value of a Bit expression. If the Bit is true, the statements under the if are executed. If the Bit is false, then the statements under the else (if there is an else) are executed. For instance,

def x := getValue()
if x > 5 {
    Console.printLine("x is greater than 5")
else if x < 5< 5 {
    Console.printLine("x was less than 5")
else {
    Console.printLine("x was equal to 5")


for <target> in <collection> {

<label>: for <target> in <collection> {

The for loop iterates over a collection one entry at a time, with <target> taking on the value of the next element in the collection with each successive pass through the loop. <collection> may be an Iterator, Iterable, Range, or SteppedRange. As a simple example, the loop:

for i in 1 ... 5 {

will display the numbers 1 through 5, while:

for greeting in ["Hello", "Bonjour", "Konnichi wa"] {

will display greetings in several different languages.

The <target> may optionally have a type specifier, as in for i:UInt8 in 1 ... 5.

The optional <label> before the loop allows break and continue statements to refer to it by name. It is otherwise ignored.

If <collection> is a collection of tuples, <target> may be a parenthesized list of variable names to split the tuple into separate variables:

def list := [("Five", 5), ("Twelve", 12), ("Forty-two", 42)]
for (name, value) in list {
    numbers[name] := value


while <test> {

<label>: while <test> {

The while statement repeatedly executes a block of statements so long as its Bit-valued test is true.

The optional <label> before the loop allows break and continue statements to refer to it by name. It is otherwise ignored.


do {
while <test>

label: do {
while <test>

The do loop is very similar the while loop, but it checks its condition at the end of the loop rather than the beginning. The loop body will therefore always execute at least once.

The optional <label> before the loop allows break and continue statements to refer to it by name. It is otherwise ignored.


loop {

label: loop {

The loop statement runs its body over and over indefinitely. It is an infinite loop unless a break or return statement escapes from it.

The optional <label> before the loop allows break and continue statements to refer to it by name. It is otherwise ignored.



break <label>

The break statement immediately terminates a for, while, do, or loop, causing execution to continue from the statement immediately after the end of the loop. Normally, break terminates the innermost loop it is contained within, as in:

loop {
    var value := getValue()
    if value = null {

break with a label can be used to break out of multiple nested loops:

outer: for x in 0 .. width {
    for y in 0 .. height {
        processCell(x, y)
        if !isValid()
            break outer



continue <label>

The continue statement immediately skips ahead to the next iteration of a for, while, do, or loop. As with break, continue normally affects the innermost loop it is contained within, but the optional <label> allows it to refer to loops other than the innermost one.



return <value>

The return statement immediately exits the current method and (for methods which return a value) causes it to return the specified value. Return statements in methods which return values must always provide a value, and return statements in methods which do not return values may never provide a value.


assert <condition>

assert <condition>, <message>

An assert statement tells the compiler that <condition> should always be true at this point. With safety checks on, the <condition> is double-checked at run time and, if it is found to in fact be false, the program terminates with an error message. The optional <message> is a string providing a specific message to display upon failure.

With safety checks off, the assertion is assumed to be true and is not double-checked at runtime. This allows the compiler to optimize the code under the assumption that the condition is in fact true. Any code that would cause an assertion failure becomes undefined behavior when safety checks are disabled.

Assertions which always evaluate to false are a compile-time error. In other languages, you may be used to using something equivalent to assert false to signify "it should not be possible for this line of code to be reached", but in Frost assert false will not compile. You need to use unreachable, described below, to express this.

IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: "assert false" isn't actually a compiler error yet, but it will be soon.



unreachable, <message>

The unreachable statement tells the compiler that this line of code will never actually be reached. For instance, in the code:

def widget:Widget
if widgetReady() {
    widget := nextWidget()
else if canManufactureWidget() {
    widget := makeWidget()
processWidget(widget) -- error!

we will receive a compilation error because widget is not definitely assigned at the point where it is used. What if there is no ready widget and we cannot manufacture a new one? But suppose we know for sure that one of those conditions will always be true. We can then modify the code to read:

def widget:Widget
if widgetReady()
    widget := nextWidget()
else if canManufactureWidget()
    widget := makeWidget()
else {
    -- can't happen!

and the code will then compile. We are asserting to the compiler that there is always either a widget ready or we will be able to manufacture one, and that the final else clause cannot actually be reached. The widget variable is therefore definitely assigned, because the only possible path by which widget would remain unassigned is known to be unreachable.

Actually reaching an unreachable statement is, of course, bad. By default, this will result in a safety violation which causes the program to terminate. If <message> is provided, the message will be displayed in the event that the unreachable is encountered.

If safety checks are disabled, the compiler is free to optimize under the assumption that no unreachable code is actually reached, and reaching unreachable therefore causes undefined behavior.


match <expression> {
    when <value1> {
    when <value2>, <value3> {
    otherwise {

The match statement runs one of a number of blocks based on the value of its <expression>. match is a generalization of if: if runs one of two blocks based on the value of its Bit expression, whereas match runs one of any number of blocks based on the value of its expression. Each when may have any number of values, and the when will be run if the <expression> matches any of them. If none of the values in any when match, the optional otherwise block is run if present. If none of the when values match and there is no otherwise block, execution simply continues after the end of the match.

Unlike the similar switch statement in many other languages, Frost's match statement does not have "fall-through": when the statements associated with a when finish, execution continues after the end of the match statement.

When matching a choice, the when conditions may destructure the choice and extract the values it contains. For example, given the choice:

choice Node {
    TAG(String, ImmutableArray<Node>)

we can use match to both determine what kind of Node we are dealing with and to extract the data it contains:

function text(node:Node):String {
    match node {
        when Node.TAG(name, children) {
            return "<\{name}>\{ => text(c)).join(", ")}</{name}>"
        when Node.TEXT(text) {
            return text


try {
fail(<error>) {

Frost's try statement takes any errors occurring within the try block and forwards them to the fail block. While this superficially resembles exception handling, it is quite different; see error handling for more information.