
An interface is a special kind of class which only has methods and constants, but no other kinds of fields. A class may only have one superclass, but it may have any number of superinterfaces. Interfaces are defined much like classes, but with the interface keyword and abstract-by-default methods:

interface Example {
    method exampleMethod(s:String):Bit

Classes inherit from superinterfaces just like they do superclasses:

class Foo : FooSuper, Example {
    method exampleMethod(s:String):Bit {

In addition to all the types Foo could normally be used as (itself, FooSuper, Object, etc.), Foo is also an instance of Example and may be used wherever an Example is required.

Interfaces may themselves have superinterfaces:

interface Example {
    method exampleMethod(s:String):Bit

interface BetterExample : Example {
    method betterExampleMethod(s:String, o:Object)

Interfaces may even inherit from more than one parent interface:

interface MultipleParents : BetterExample, AnotherInterface {

Default Methods

All methods in an interface are abstract by default. You may annotate an interface method with @default and provide an implementation in order to create a default method:

interface Example {
    method exampleMethod(s:String):Bit

    method defaultMethod() {
        Console.printLine("this method has an implementation!")

A default method will be inherited by a class implementing this interface provided that it does not already its own implementation of the method. If two or more interfaces provide a method with the same signature, the interface listed first "wins" and its implementation will be used in preference to interfaces listed later. For example, given the code:

interface Example1 {
    method exampleMethod(s:String):Bit

    method defaultMethod() {
        Console.printLine("this method has an implementation!")

interface Example2 {
    function someOtherMethod(r:Real64):Real64

    method defaultMethod() {
        Console.printLine("this method also has an implementation!")

class Foo : Example2, Example1 {
    method exampleMethod(s:String):Bit {

    function someOtherMethod(r:Real64):Real64 {

The statement Foo().defaultMethod() will result in the output "this method also has an implementation!". defaultMethod() implementations are present in both Example1 and Example2, but as class Foo lists Example2 first, that interface's implementation of defaultMethod() will be inherited. If Foo defined its own implementation of defaultMethod (or inherited one from a superclass), it would be used in preference to either interface's default implementation.