
A function is a method which has two special restrictions:

  1. Functions may not depend upon unpredictable state
  2. Functions may not have side effects

Functions are declared exactly like other methods, but with the function keyword replacing the method keyword:

function square(x:Real):Real {
    return x * x

Note that functions are still considered methods, just methods with additional restrictions. The "may not depend upon unpredictable state" restriction is the simplest, because it does not generally affect pure Frost code. "Unpredictable" state is state which could change without Frost's knowledge; for instance, whether or not a file exists on the filesystem is "unpredictable" in that a program could check for the file's existence multiple times and receive a different answer each time, without having done anything to the filesystem itself. The built-in File.exists() method is therefore a method, rather than a function. If your program is written in 100% Frost and you do not use any of the (clearly marked) unsafe APIs, you should never need to worry about this restriction.

"Side effects" are defined in Frost as "making changes to state which are visible outside of the function itself". Functions may freely modify state that only they can see; for instance, the following function is legal:

function getName():String {
    def result := MutableString()
    if firstName != null {
        result.append(", " + firstName)
        if middleName != null {
            result.append(" " + middleName)
    return result.finish()


This function creates a mutable object and manipulates it -- clearly it is modifying state! However, the MutableString is not visible outside of the function itself, and the append and finish methods do not modify anything but the MutableString in question. Therefore, this code does not result in any data visible outside of the function itself changing, and is legal.

In order to comply with the "no side effects" restriction, a function may only call non-function methods when:

  1. The method is marked @self and the object to which the method belongs is not visible outside the function
  2. The method is marked @limited and neither the object to which the method belongs nor any of the method's mutable parameters are visible outside the function

For an object to be "not visible outside the function", it must have been created inside the function itself by an @self constructor. Note that constructors are automatically flagged @self when they comply with the @self restrictions; you do not need to manually add this annotation to your constructors, and in practice the vast majority of constructors will be considered @self.

You should be in the habit of using functions where possible. They provide strong data integrity guarantees and make it easier to write high-quality code. Furthermore, functions enable optimizations that would otherwise not be possible: for instance, if you make multiple calls to the getName() function above, the compiler may be able to prove that no state has changed between the calls and therefore it is safe to simply re-use the resulting string rather than recalculate it.

Inline Functions

See inline functions for more information.