1 package frost.io
3 uses frost.unsafe.Pointer
5 ====================================================================================================
6 An output stream which indents the lines it writes. `IndentedOutputStream` sits "on top of" another
7 stream, directing its output to the underlying stream. Closing the `IndentedOutputStream` *does not*
8 directly close the underlying stream, but if the `IndentedOutputStream` holds the only remaining
9 reference to the underlying stream, then discarding the `IndentedOutputStream` will cause the
10 underlying stream to likewise be discarded and thus closed.
12 It is possible to continue writing directly to the underlying stream despite having created an
13 `IndentedOutputStream` on top of it; naturally, such writes will not be processed by the
14 `IndentedOutputStream` and thus may interact badly with it.
15 ====================================================================================================
16 class IndentedOutputStream : OutputStream {
17 ================================================================================================
18 The current indentation level, in units of `indentSize`. Each line written to the underlying
19 stream will be prefixed by `indentSize * level` spaces.
20 ================================================================================================
21 var level := 0 -- FIXME make these properties and store the indentation string
23 ================================================================================================
24 The number of spaces represented by each increment of `level`. Defaults to `4`.
25 ================================================================================================
26 var indentSize := 4
28 @private
29 var indent := ""
31 @private
32 var atLineStart := true
34 @private
35 def out:OutputStream
37 ================================================================================================
38 Creates a new `IndentedOutputStream`.
40 @param out the underlying output stream
41 ================================================================================================
42 init(out:OutputStream) {
43 self.out := out
44 super.init()
45 }
47 @override
48 method write(b:UInt8):Error? {
49 try {
50 if b = 10 {
51 atLineStart := true
52 }
53 else {
54 indentIfNeeded()
55 }
56 out.write(b)
57 return null
58 }
59 fail(error) {
60 return error
61 }
62 }
64 @override
65 method write(ptr:Pointer<UInt8>, count:Int):Error? {
66 try {
67 var start := 0
68 var current := start
69 while current < count {< count {
70 if ptr[current] = 10 {
71 out.write(ptr + start, current - start)
72 start := current
73 atLineStart := true
74 }
75 else if atLineStart {
76 out.write(ptr + start, current - start)
77 start := current
78 indentIfNeeded()
79 }
80 current += 1
81 }
82 out.write(ptr + start, current - start)
83 return null
84 }
85 fail(error) {
86 return error
87 }
88 }
90 @private
91 method indentIfNeeded():Error? {
92 if atLineStart {
93 atLineStart := false
94 if indent.byteLength != indentSize * level {
95 indent := " " * (indentSize * level)
96 }
97 return print(indent)
98 }
99 return null
100 }
101 }