1  package frost.collections
  3  uses frost.unsafe.Pointer
  5  ====================================================================================================
  6  A random-access `CollectionView` with numbered elements. Each entry has an index, ranging from `0`
  7  to `count - 1`, by which it can be accessed.
  9  @see ListWriter
 10  @see List
 11  ====================================================================================================
 12  interface ListView<T> : CollectionView<T> {
 13      ================================================================================================
 14      Returns an `Iterator` which returns `(index, value)` tuples. For example, 
 15      `["Hello", "Bonjour"].enumeration` returns an `Iterator<(Int, String)>` which produces
 16      `(0, "Hello")` followed by `(1, "Bonjour")`.
 17      ================================================================================================
 18      property enumeration:Iterator<(Int, T)>
 20      ================================================================================================
 21      An `Iterator` of all possible permutations of this list. A permutation is a distinct ordering;
 22      each possible shuffling of a deck of cards is a different permutation. As the number of
 23      permutations is equal to the factorial of the number of elements in the list, it is only
 24      practical to fully iterate the permutations of very small lists (a list with just 15 elements in
 25      it has over a trillion permutations).
 27      @returns an iterator which produces permutations of this list
 28      ================================================================================================
 29      property permutations:Iterator<ListView<T>>
 31      ================================================================================================
 32      Returns an `Iterator` which produces the elements of the power set of this list. The power set
 33      of a list is the set of all possible subsets (including the empty list). For instance, the power
 34      set of `[1, 2, 3]` is: `[], [1], [2], [1, 2], [3], [1, 3], [2, 3], [1, 2, 3]`. The iteration
 35      order is not guaranteed.
 37      As the power set of a list with `n` elements contains 2^n entries, iterating over the power set
 38      is only practical for small lists. 
 40      @returns an iterator which produces the power set of this list
 41      ================================================================================================
 42      property powerSet:Iterator<ListView<T>>
 44      property last:T
 46      @private
 47      class ListIterator<T> : Iterator<T> {
 48          var list:ListView<T>
 50          var index := 0
 52          init(list:ListView<T>) {
 53              self.list := list
 54          }
 56          @override
 57          function get_done():Bit {
 58              return index = list.count
 59          }
 61          @override
 62          function next():T {
 63              index += 1
 64              return list[index - 1]
 65          }
 66      }
 68      @private
 69      class PermutationIterator<T> : Iterator<ListView<T>> {
 70          def list:ListView<T>
 72          def choices:Array<Int>
 74          init(list:ListView<T>) {
 75              self.list := list
 76              if list.count > 0 {
 77                  self.choices := Array<Int>(list.count, 0)
 78              }
 79              else {
 80                  self.choices := [-1]
 81              }
 82          }
 84          @override
 85          function get_done():Bit {
 86              return choices[0] = -1
 87          }
 89          @override
 90          function next():ListView<T> {
 91              def result := Array<T>(list.count)
 92              def copy := Array<T>(list)
 93              for c in choices {
 94                  result.add(copy[c])
 95                  copy.removeIndex(c)
 96              }
 97              var i := 0
 98              while i < choices.count &< choices.count & choices[i] = list.count - i - 1->Int {
 99                  choices[i] := 0
100                  i += 1
101              }
102              if i = choices.count {
103                  choices[0] := -1
104              }
105              else {
106                  choices[i] += 1
107              }
108              return result
109          }
110      }
112      @private
113      class CombinationIterator<T> : Iterator<ListView<T>> {
114          def list:ListView<T>
116          def choices:List<Int>
118          var r := 0
120          var index := 0
122          @pre(count >= 0 & count <= list.count)
123          init(list:ListView<T>, count:Int) {
124              self.list := list
125              self.choices := Array<Int>(count)
126              for i in 0 .. count {
127                  choices.add(i)
128              }
129          }
131          @override
132          function get_done():Bit {
133              for i in 0 .. choices.count {
134                  if choices[i] + choices.count < list.count -< list.count - i {
135                      return false
136                  }
137              }
138              return true
139          }
141          @override
142          method next():ListView<T> {
143              loop {
144                  if index <= list.count + r - choices.count {
145                      choices[r] := index
146                      if r = choices.count - 1->Int {
147                          index += 1
148                          def result := Array<T>(choices.count)
149                          for c in choices {
150                              result.add(list[c])
151                          }
152                          return result
153                      }
154                      else {
155                          index := choices[r] + 1
156                          r += 1
157                      }
158                  }
159                  else {
160                      r -= 1
161                      if r > 0 {
162                          index := choices[r] + 1
163                      }
164                      else {
165                          index := choices[0] + 1
166                      }
167                  }
168              }
169          }
170      }
172      @private
173      class PowerSetIterator<T> : Iterator<ListView<T>> {
174          def list:ListView<T>
176          var mask:UInt64 := 0
178          var stop:UInt64
180          init(list:ListView<T>) {
181              self.list := list
182              self.stop := (1 << list.count).asUInt64
183          }
185          @override
186          function get_done():Bit {
187              return mask = stop
188          }
190          @override
191          method next():ListView<T> {
192              def result := Array<T>()
193              for i in 0 .. list.count {
194                  if mask.bits[i] {
195                      result.add(list[i])
196                  }
197              }
198              mask += 1
199              return result
200          }
201      }
203      ================================================================================================
204      Returns an item from this list.
206      @param index the (zero-based) index of the item to return
207      ================================================================================================
208      @pre(index >= 0 & index < count)< count)
209      function [](index:Int):T
211      ================================================================================================
212      Returns a slice of the list, containing all of the elements specified by the range. The slice
213      is an independent copy of the list and elements may be added to and removed from the original
214      without affecting the copy. It is not, however, a deep copy, and thus both lists will refer
215      to the same objects.
216      ================================================================================================
217      @default
218      @pre(r.min >= 0 & (r.inclusive & r.min < count |< count | !r.inclusive & r.min <= count) &
219              r.max >= 0 & (r.inclusive & r.max < count |< count | !r.inclusive & r.max <= count))
220      @priority(1) -- FIXME shouldn't be needed
221      @unsafeAccess
222      function [](r:Range<Int>):ListView<T> {
223          var max := r.max
224          if r.inclusive {
225              max += 1
226          }
227          def count := max - r.min
228          def result := Pointer<T>.alloc(count)
229          for i in 0 .. count {
230              result[i] := self[r.min + i]
231          }
232          return Array<T>(result, count)
233      }
235      ================================================================================================
236      Returns a slice of the list, containing all of the elements specified by the range. The slice
237      is an independent copy of the list and elements may be added to and removed from the original
238      without affecting the copy. It is not, however, a deep copy, and thus both lists will refer
239      to the same objects.
241      As usual for `Range`, a null `min` starts from the beginning of the list, and a null `max` ends
242      at the end of the list.
243      ================================================================================================
244      @default
245      function [](r:Range<Int?>):ListView<T> {
246          def start:Int
247          if r.min !== null {
248              start := r.min
249          }
250          else {
251              start := 0
252          }
254          var end:Int
255          if r.max !== null {
256              end := r.max
257          }
258          else {
259              end := count
260              if r.inclusive {
261                  end -= 1
262              }
263          }
264          return self[Range<Int>(start, end, r.inclusive)]
265      }
267      @private
268      @class
269      function inRange(r:SteppedRange<Int?, Int>, count:Int):Bit {
270          if r.start !== null {
271              if (r.start < 0< 0) {
272                  return false
273              }
274              if r.inclusive & r.start >= count {
275                  return false
276              }
277              if !r.inclusive & r.start > count {
278                  return false
279              }
280          }
281          if r.end !== null {
282              if (r.end < 0< 0) {
283                  return false
284              }
285              if r.inclusive & r.end >= count {
286                  return false
287              }
288              if !r.inclusive & r.end > count {
289                  return false
290              }
291          }
292          return true
293      }
295      ================================================================================================
296      Returns a slice of the list, containing all of the elements specified by the range. The slice
297      is an independent copy of the list and elements may be added to and removed from the original
298      without affecting the copy. It is not, however, a deep copy, and thus both lists will refer
299      to the same objects.
300      ================================================================================================
301      @default
302      @pre(inRange(r, count))
303      function [](r:SteppedRange<Int?, Int>):ListView<T> {
304          def step := r.step
306          var current:Int
307          if r.start !== null {
308              current := r.start
309          }
310          else if step > 0 {
311              current := 0
312          }
313          else {
314              current := count - 1
315          }
317          def end:Int
318          if r.end !== null {
319              end := r.end
320          }
321          else if step > 0 {
322              end := count
323          }
324          else {
325              end := 0
326          }
328          def result := Array<T>()
329          if r.step > 0 {
330              while current < end {< end {
331                  result.add(self[current])
332                  current += step
333              }
334          }
335          else {
336              assert r.step < 0< 0
337              while current > end {
338                  result.add(self[current])
339                  current += step
340              }
341          }
342          if (r.inclusive | r.end == null) & current = end & end < count {< count {
343              result.add(self[current])
344          }
345          return result
346      }
348      @override
349      @default
350      function get_first():T {
351          return self[0]
352      }
354      @default
355      function get_last():T {
356          return self[count - 1]
357      }
359      ================================================================================================
360      Returns a new list containing every entry in this list for which the `predicate` function
361      returns true. For instance, `[1, 7, -10, 5, -2].filter(x => x > 0)` returns `[1, 7, 5]`.
362      ================================================================================================
363      @default
364      @priority(1) -- FIXME I don't think I should need all these @priority annotations...
365      -- FIXME need an annotation for having to use the return value
366      function filter(predicate:(T)=>(Bit)):ListView<T> {
367          def result := Array<T>()
368          for v in self {
369              if predicate(v) {
370                  result.add(v)
371              }
372          }
373          return result
374      }
376      @default
377      -- FIXME need an annotation for having to use the return value
378      method filter(predicate:(T)=&>(Bit)):ListView<T> {
379          def result := Array<T>()
380          for v in self {
381              if predicate(v) {
382                  result.add(v)
383              }
384          }
385          return result
386      }
388      @default
389      @pre(count = other.count)
390      function combine<U>(other:ListView<U>):ListView<(T, U)> {
391          def result := Array<(T, U)>(count)
392          for i in 0 .. count {
393              result.add((self[i], other[i]))
394          }
395          return result
396      }
398      @default
399      @priority(1)
400      @pre(count = other.count)
401      function combine<U, V>(other:ListView<U>, f:(T, U)=>(V)):ListView<V> {
402          def result := Array<V>(count)
403          for i in 0 .. count {
404              result.add(f(self[i], other[i]))
405          }
406          return result
407      }
409      @default
410      @pre(count = other.count)
411      method combine<U, V>(other:ListView<U>, f:(T, U)=&>(V)):ListView<V> {
412          def result := Array<V>(count)
413          for i in 0 .. count {
414              result.add(f(self[i], other[i]))
415          }
416          return result
417      }
419      @default
420      @override
421      function get_iterator():Iterator<T> {
422          return ListIterator<T>(self)
423      }
425      @default
426      function get_enumeration():Iterator<(Int, T)> {
427          return iterator.enumeration
428      }
430      @default
431      function get_permutations():Iterator<ListView<T>> {
432          return PermutationIterator<T>(self)
433      }
435      ================================================================================================
436      Returns an `Iterator` of all possible `n`-combinations of this list. An `n`-combination of a
437      list is a selection of `n` distinct elements from the list; the set of 5-combinations of a deck
438      of cards is the set of all possible poker hands. The combinations are chosen in such a way as to
439      preserve order: the combinations of a sorted list will themselves be sorted. Elements are
440      considered "distinct" if they appear at different positions in the input list. This means that
441      the 2-combinations of [1, 2, 2] are [1, 2], [1, 2], and [2, 2], as the two occurrences of `2`
442      are considered distinct elements.
444      @returns an iterator which produces the `n`-combinations of this list
445      ================================================================================================
446      @default
447      @pre(count >= n)
448      function combinations(n:Int):Iterator<ListView<T>> {
449          if n = 0 {
450              return [[]]->Array<ListView<T>>.iterator
451          }
452          if n = count {
453              return [self].iterator
454          }
455          return CombinationIterator<T>(self, n)
456      }
458      @default
459      @pre(count < 64< 64)
460      function get_powerSet():Iterator<ListView<T>> {
461          return PowerSetIterator<T>(self)
462      }
464      ================================================================================================
465      Returns a sorted copy of the list using the provided comparison method. The list is sorted so
466      that the greatest elements, according to the `greater` function, are at the end (higher indices)
467      of the array. The sort algorithm used may be unstable, meaning equal values (that is, values for
468      which `greater(a, b)` and `greater(b, a)` both return `false`) may be arbitrarily reordered
469      during the sort.
470      ================================================================================================
471      -- FIXME write a better sort, create stableSort
472      -- FIXME need an annotation for having to use the return value
473      @default
474      method sort(greater:(T, T)=>(Bit)):ListView<T> {
475          def result := Array<T>(self)
476          MergeSort.sort(result, greater)
477          return result
478      }
479  }