1  package frost.collections
 3  ====================================================================================================
 4  Provides functionality necessary for being used as a key in a [HashMap] or [HashSet]. In addition to
 5  the operators inherited from [Equatable], `Key` provides the ability to compute a hash code for an
 6  object.  A hash code is a number with the following properties:
 8  1. It is stable. Hash codes do not change during the lifetime of the object.
 9  2. If two objects compare equal, their hash codes are guaranteed to be equal.
10  3. If two objects compare unequal, their hash codes are unlikely to be equal.
12  If requirements 1 or 2 are violated, the [HashMap] or [HashSet] will have undefined behavior.
13  Violating requirement 3 will not break anything, but will reduce performance.
14  ====================================================================================================
15  interface HashKey<T:Equatable<T>> : Equatable<T> {
16      ================================================================================================
17      Returns a hash code for this object. While hash codes must be stable within a single run of a
18      program, they are not, in general, guaranteed to remain stable across different runs of the same
19      program - in particular, future versions of Frost may choose to use different hashing
20      algorithms.
21      ================================================================================================
22      property hash:Int
24      function get_hash():Int
25  }