1  package frost.collections
  3  uses frost.unsafe.Pointer
  5  ====================================================================================================
  6  Standard implementation of the `List` interface. `Array` is a resizable random-access array,
  7  featuring constant time reads and writes. Appending new elements to the array can be expensive, as
  8  it may require the backing store to be increased in size which in turn may require a memory copy.
 10  Particularly for bigger arrays, it is best to avoid this expensive size increase by pre-allocating
 11  the array with the expected number of elements it will contain using [init(Int)].
 12  ====================================================================================================
 13  class Array<T> : List<T> {
 14      @private
 15      constant DEFAULT_CAPACITY := 16
 17      @private
 18      var _count := 0
 20      @private
 21      var capacity:Int
 23      @private
 24      var data:Pointer<T>
 26      ================================================================================================
 27      Creates a new, empty `Array`.
 28      ================================================================================================
 29      init() {
 30          init(DEFAULT_CAPACITY)
 31      }
 33      ================================================================================================
 34      Creates a new, empty `Array` with the specified maximum capacity. The `Array` will allocate
 35      enough memory to hold `capacity` elements at the time of its creation.
 36      ================================================================================================
 37      init(capacity:Int) {
 38          self.capacity := capacity
 39          data := Pointer<T>.alloc(capacity)
 40      }
 42      ================================================================================================
 43      Creates a new `Array` containing all the elements in another collection.
 44      ================================================================================================
 45      init(other:CollectionView<T>) {
 46          init(other.count.max(DEFAULT_CAPACITY))
 47          for v in other {
 48              add(v)
 49          }
 50      }
 52      ================================================================================================
 53      Creates a new `Array` containing `count` copies of `value`.
 54      ================================================================================================
 55      init(count:Int, value:T) {
 56          init(capacity)
 57          for i in 0 .. count {
 58              add(value)
 59          }
 60      }
 62      ================================================================================================
 63      Creates a new `Array` containing `count` values produced by `generator`. `generator` is called
 64      `count` times, starting with the parameter `0` and ending with `count - 1`.
 65      ================================================================================================
 66      init(count:Int, generator:(Int)=&>(T)) {
 67          init(capacity)
 68          for i in 0 .. count {
 69              add(generator(i))
 70          }
 71      }
 73      @private
 74      init(data:Pointer<T>, count:Int) {
 75          self.data := data->Pointer<T>
 76          self._count := count
 77          self.capacity := count
 78      }
 80      @override
 81      method cleanup() {
 82          clear()
 83          data.destroy()
 84      }
 86      ================================================================================================
 87      Returns an entry from this array.
 88      ================================================================================================
 89      @override
 90      @priority(2)
 91      function [](index:Int):T {
 92          return data[index]
 93      }
 95      ================================================================================================
 96      Returns a new array containing a slice of this array. The new array is an independent shallow
 97      copy: they contain the same elements, so modifying to the elements will be visible in both
 98      arrays, but modifications to the arrays themselves (adding / removing / replacing elements) will
 99      not.
100      ================================================================================================
101      @priority(2)
102      function [](r:Range<Int>):Array<T> {
103          var max := r.max
104          if r.inclusive {
105              max += 1
106          }
107          def count := max - r.min
108          def result := Pointer<T>.alloc(count)
109          for i in 0 .. count {
110              result[i] := self[r.min + i]
111          }
112          return Array<T>(result, count)
113      }
115      ================================================================================================
116      Returns a new array containing a slice of this array. The new array is an independent shallow
117      copy: they contain the same elements, so modifying to the elements will be visible in both
118      arrays, but modifications to the arrays themselves (adding / removing / replacing elements) will
119      not.
120      ================================================================================================
121      @priority(1)
122      function [](r:Range<Int?>):Array<T> {
123          def start:Int
124          if r.min !== null {
125              start := r.min
126          }
127          else {
128              start := 0
129          }
131          var end:Int
132          if r.max !== null {
133              end := r.max
134          }
135          else {
136              end := count
137              if r.inclusive {
138                  end -= 1
139              }
140          }
141          return self[Range<Int>(start, end, r.inclusive)]
142      }
144      ================================================================================================
145      Replaces an element in this array with a new element.
146      ================================================================================================
147      @override
148      method []:=(index:Int, value:T) {
149          data[index] := value
150      }
152      @override
153      method insert(index:Int, value:T) {
154          -- FIXME performance, this is horrendously slow
155          ensureCapacity(count + 1)
156          for i in count .. index by -1 {
157              data[i] := data[i - 1->Int]
158          }
159          _count += 1
160          data[index] := value
161      }
163      @override
164      method add(value:T) {
165          ensureCapacity(_count + 1)
166          data[_count] := value
167          _count += 1
168      }
170      @override
171      method addAll(c:CollectionView<T>) {
172          ensureCapacity(_count + c.count)
173          for v in c {
174              data[_count] := v
175              _count += 1
176          }
177      }
179      @private
180      method ensureCapacity(newCapacity:Int) {
181          if newCapacity <= capacity {
182              return
183          }
184          def oldCapacity := capacity
185          capacity := capacity.max(1)
186          while capacity < newCapacity {< newCapacity {
187              capacity *= 2
188          }
189          data := data.realloc(oldCapacity, capacity)
190      }
192      @override
193      function get_count():Int {
194          return _count
195      }
197      @override
198      method removeIndex(index:Int):T {
199          -- FIXME performance, this is horrendously slow
200          def result := self[index]
201          for i in index .. _count - 1 {
202              self[i] := self[i + 1]
203          }
204          _count -= 1
205          data.clear(_count)
206          return result
207      }
209      @override
210      method clear() {
211          _count := 0
212          for i in 0 .. capacity {
213              data.clear(i)
214          }
215      }
217      ================================================================================================
218      As [ListView.filter((T)=>(Bit))], but returns an `Array`.
219      ================================================================================================
220      @priority(2)
221      function filter(predicate:(T)=>(Bit)):Array<T> {
222          def result := Array<T>()
223          for v in self {
224              if predicate(v) {
225                  result.add(v)
226              }
227          }
228          return result
229      }
231      ================================================================================================
232      As [ListView.filter((T)=&>(Bit))], but returns an `Array`.
233      ================================================================================================
234      @priority(2)
235      method filter(predicate:(T)=&>(Bit)):Array<T> {
236          def result := Array<T>()
237          for v in self {
238              if predicate(v) {
239                  result.add(v)
240              }
241          }
242          return result
243      }
245      ================================================================================================
246      As [ListView.combine(ListView<U>)], but returns an `Array`.
247      ================================================================================================
248      @priority(2)
249      @pre(count = other.count)
250      function combine<U>(other:ListView<U>):Array<(T, U)> {
251          def result := Array<(T, U)>(count)
252          for i in 0 .. count {
253              result.add((self[i], other[i]))
254          }
255          return result
256      }
258      ================================================================================================
259      As [ListView.combine(ListView<U>, (T, U)=>(V))], but returns an `Array`.
260      ================================================================================================
261      @priority(4)
262      @pre(count = other.count)
263      function combine<U, V>(other:ListView<U>, f:(T, U)=>(V)):Array<V> {
264          def result := Array<V>(count)
265          for i in 0 .. count {
266              result.add(f(self[i], other[i]))
267          }
268          return result
269      }
271      ================================================================================================
272      As [ListView.combine(ListView<U>, (T, U)=&>(V))], but returns an `Array`.
273      ================================================================================================
274      @priority(3)
275      @pre(count = other.count)
276      method combine<U, V>(other:ListView<U>, f:(T, U)=&>(V)):Array<V> {
277          def result := Array<V>(count)
278          for i in 0 .. count {
279              result.add(f(self[i], other[i]))
280          }
281          return result
282      }
284      ================================================================================================
285      As [ListView.sort], but returns an `Array`.
286      ================================================================================================
287      @priority(1)
288      method sort(greater:(T, T)=>(Bit)):Array<T> {
289          def result := Array<T>(self)
290          MergeSort.sort(result, greater)
291          return result
292      }
294      @override
295      function get_toString():String {
296          def result := MutableString()
297          result.append("[")
298          var separator := ""
299          for v in self {
300              result.append(separator)
301              separator := ", "
302              -- FIXME cast shouldn't be necessary
303              if v->Object? !== null {
304                  result.append(v)
305              }
306              else {
307                  result.append("<null>")
308              }
309          }
310          result.append("]")
311          return result.finish()
312      }
313  }